Thursday 8 December 2022

Review of 2022 : March

March saw my first trip to London of the year, in fact there were two trips! The first was to do a Hidden London tour of Moorgate. I had waited to do this tour for a long time, the first time i had booked it it had been thwarted by the original lockdown. It was a good tour and worth the lengthy wait. This was followed by a trip to Longton near Stoke-on-Trent.

Then it was down to London again, a multi-day trip that included plenty of railways and Poplar Dock. Finally, there was my first trip to Stratford-upon-Avon for some time and a walk along the Avon.

Song of the month was "end of time" by Alex Vechietti featuring Cybertronix.



Poplar Dock
