Thursday 28 July 2016

Getting the image right

As well as the original manual for the Macintosh which we had a look at earlier in the month there are some other Apple documents in my possession... early 1980s Graphic and Trademark Guidelines!

I got ahold of these after helping someone clear out their computer "junk" a few years ago, thats when i got my original Mac and other assorted Apple toys. To most (normal) people these documents, which describe how Apple's logo, corporate image and trademarks should be properly portrayed are of little interest. However not only am i a Mac fan but i have also spent most of my 20+ year career working in advertising and marketing so i am very familiar with corporate image guidelines and indeed have worked with people who write them. So it was interesting to see Apple's take on it in the early 1980s.

A good proportion the guidelines cover how the logo (the proper 6 colour Apple logo of course) should be used and reproduced. The exact colours to use and the kind of backgrounds to use it on.

Apple made a big deal of the rainbow in the 1980s which was interesting. Although the Apple logo is still the same shape nowadays i do prefer the days of colour...