Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Churches (9) : St Peter & St Paul, King's Sutton

Kings' Sutton is a Northamptonshire village on the Southern boundary of the county with Oxfordshire. Settlement has been in the area since the Bronze Age, remains of a Roman town being found half a mile to the North of the village. Kings' Sutton is said to have been the birthplace of Saint Rumbold, an infant who died just days after his birth in 662AD but professed his faith throughout his short life.

The church of St Peter & St Paul dates from Norman times (though may include some Saxon material) with a Norman font and chancel remaining intact. Much of the building was built in later centuries. North and South aisles were added in the 13th and 14th centuries. The spire on the tower was probably added in the 14th century and is 60m high [1].

[1] Christopher Winn, I Never Knew That About English County Churches (Ebury Press, 2014) p. 192